2019 Federal Budget Breakdown

On the 2 April 2019, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg handed down his maiden budget. In what was clearly an election year budget, the Treasurer announced significant personal tax cuts to be delivered over the next five years, while simultaneously announcing a forecast budget surplus of $7.1 billion for 2019-20, and a big focus on healthcare, education and infrastructure spending. The personal tax cuts follow from and build on last year’s budget handed down by then Treasurer Scott Morrison.

We have drilled into the 2019-20 Budget documents to find the key points most relevant to you, our clients, regarding the tax and superannuation announcements contained in this year’s Budget.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us on (08) 8299 8888 if you would like more information about how any of these changes will apply to your circumstances.​​​​

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