To Our Valued Clients,

During this incredibly challenging time, we want to assure you that we are taking steps to safeguard this firm, so we can continue to offer you the highest level of service during the coming weeks and months.

Based on current State and Federal Government advice and the isolation and lockdown measures taken overseas that may in the future be mandated by the Australian Government, the following is an overview of the protocol stages that will be implemented by MGI Adelaide:

  • Stage 0 – Business as usual (no restrictions).
  • Stage 1 – Social distancing. Non-essential face-to-face meetings should be converted to video or tele-conferences or postponed. Government advice is to avoid large conferences or gatherings. All non-essential domestic  (interstate) and all international business travel suspended indefinitely. Regional business travel will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Stage 2 – All face-to-face meetings converted to video or tele-conferences or postponed. Onsite client services evaluated on a case-by-case basis with working from the MGI office or home only. All regional, domestic (interstate) and international business travel suspended indefinitely.
  • Stage 3 – Working from home only.

Based on current advice from State and Federal government, we have enacted Stage 1 of the above protocols.

As a valued MGI Adelaide client, rest assured that we are well equipped to maintain business continuity and service levels throughout the evolving stages of the situation.

If the government implements stricter lockdown measures for businesses across Australia, all phone calls to our direct line (08 8299 8888) will be diverted to our receptionist, who will ensure that your call is returned by the appropriate person at the earliest possible time

MGI Adelaide cares deeply about our clients, and the steps our team has taken will ensure our commitment to maintaining a high level of service will be maintained with as little interruption as possible.

We wish you and all your families the very best during this incredibly difficult time. Look after each other and stay safe.

The MGI Adelaide Team

About the author

Picture of Angela Robins

Angela Robins

Angela commenced her career in public practice accounting in 1997 and joined MGI Adelaide in 2002 as a manager in our Taxation and Business Services division and is now a Director of our firm. Angela holds a Public Practice Certificate from CPA Australia, and has been awarded Accredited Family Business Advisor status from Family Business Australia.

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Our Adelaide Office

212 Greenhill Road
Eastwood, SA 5063

PO Box 96
Fullarton, SA 5063