MGI Adelaide/CrowdProperty Australia

MGI Adelaide is hosting a live event on Wednesday 17 August 2022 for our SMSF and wholesale clients. Join us to hear from our superannuation services manager Michael Wang and our client, CrowdProperty Australia.

Superannuation changes

Michael will talk about changes in super that might affect your retirement.

A set of rules around contribution and calculation of the exemption current pension income (pension phase income) has come into effect from 1 July. There are always new opportunities and some risks associated with any changes. In this session we will walk you through the change, the options and some of the risk factors to consider when dealing with them.

If you want a more specific discussion to utilise the legislation change better and stay safe from the risk, please feel free to contact our superannuation team at MGI Adelaide so they can help you.

Introducing CrowdProperty Australia

We’re delighted to be joined by one of our business clients, CrowdProperty Australia, who will present their investment platform for property development project loans, a vehicle that can be considered for SMSFs and wholesale investors.

The CrowdProperty team will focus on:

  • Introducing CrowdProperty — first mortgage secured property project loans. Earn up to 7% p.a. target interest returns* from short-term property development projects.
  • How the CrowdProperty platform works for SMSFs investing in property project loans.
  • The CrowdProperty difference — specialist expertise and due diligence in selecting projects to ensure the highest chance of success.
  • The Adelaide property development market. Local opportunities vs diversifying across geographies.
  • Tips on how to ensure your SMSF investment strategy document complies with the ATO guidelines for diversification, asset allocation, risk and liquidity.

We introduced CrowdProperty in a blog last year after we assisted them in launching in Australia. Read more here.

Event details

  • Date: Wednesday 17 August 2022
  • Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
  • Location: ThincLab — Ground Floor, 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000 [Map]
  • Food and drinks are provided
  • Cost: It’s free!

Register for the event

To register for the event, please email Madeleine Denichilo — [email protected]

*Target returns not forecast returns. For wholesale investors only. Terms, conditions, and risks apply.

About the author

Picture of Angela Robins

Angela Robins

Angela commenced her career in public practice accounting in 1997 and joined MGI Adelaide in 2002 as a manager in our Taxation and Business Services division and is now a Director of our firm. Angela holds a Public Practice Certificate from CPA Australia, and has been awarded Accredited Family Business Advisor status from Family Business Australia.

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212 Greenhill Road
Eastwood, SA 5063

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